In the mid 1980’s Steve Jobs got fired from Apple Computer. As you can imagine he was devastated and depressed. He met with a psychologist and completed an exercise very similar to this. Steve Jobs used the results of this exercise to plan the next chapter of his life and ultimately the formation of his future company – NeXT computers.


Think of at least 15 experiences/accomplishments in your life that you enjoyed, felt a feeling of accomplishment, and energized you. These experiences could take place in childhood or adulthood.  These experiences need to be specific events- not vague notions.  These experiences could take place either at work OR at play. Make sure that the experiences are specific. Here are 3 examples to help you get the idea:

1) I conducted individual counseling sessions at ACME corporation which helped others increase the quality of their lives

2) I served as a teacher and mentor to my younger coworkers at ABC corporation

3) Victory over Jack Smith to be #1 100 meter sprinter at UCLA

Out of the 15 experiences/accomplishments rank and write down your top 8 below

Top 8 Pride Experiences

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Analyzing these 8 Pride Experiences:

Client Example: Below are a a client’s top 4 out of a total of 8 pride experiences

  1. I conducted individual counseling sessions at ACME corporation which helped others increase the quality of their lives

  2. I am the first person that my best friend Barbara confided in when she got divorced and terminated from her job.  In fact, I am typically the first person my friends look to for comfort and advice

  3. My employer has 1000 employees.  The 12 person team I manage reported the second highest level of job morale and happiness within the whole corporation.  My team said the primary reason they were happy with their job was my ability to mentor and listen.

  4. Victory over Jack Smith to be #1 100 meter sprinter at UCLA


What Are The Dominant Traits/Commonalities Exhibited In 8 Pride Experiences?

Client Example: teaching, counseling, listening at a deeper level, empathy,  competition, peak performance, athletics, etc..

What Are The Dominant Traits/Commonalities Exhibited In 8 Pride Experiences?

Answer Given

ACTION ITEM: After absorbing the content contained in this unit go to your “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”. If a new career seems to be a fit and involves traits/commonalities seen in your 8 pride experiences- add it to your “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”. If a career no longer seems like a fit after completing unit- remove it from your “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”. Put some real thought into this… I purposely designed this eCourse to take 15-20 days. You can go to the next unit after successfully completing this unit and a certain amount of time has passed. Every day you will complete from 1-3 units and will spend 30-180 minutes. If next unit not available, wait 24 hours and it will be available. 


You have now completed the whole course. Congratulations!