What Should I Be When I Grow Up Quiz – I Have Your Answer

Aptitude Test Step 1 – The article below discusses how the WHAT SHOULD I BE WHEN I GROW UP QUIZ” can help you choose the specific career you love.

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On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:

Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal

Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill

Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career

Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan




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What Should I Be When I Grow Up Quiz – Free Answer To This All Important Question

by what should i be when i grow up quiz katya t

Important Note: This article was written by a contributor/reader of my website.  Contributor/reader opinions contain valuable insight and certainly worth reading.  With that said, contributor opinions may or may not represent my own personal opinions. If you are searching for a career you love- enter your email on this page and get my free “6 Proven Steps To Choosing The Lucrative Career You Love In 15 Days” mini course.  Best-Matt

Deciding on what career to follow can be a challenging task mainly because it is a long-term commitment that you have to make. Wondering “what should I be when I grow up” is essential for your professional success. But what is more important is the way you find the answer to this important question. And many of us fail to identify their perfect career due to several factors that shouldn’t even be considered in the first place, such as what others think we should become as adults. This is a personal question and it should be addressed with complete honesty. If you find yourself wondering about this, read on…


What should I be when I grow up quiz


“What should I be when I grow up” is never an easy question. It requires a lot of self-understanding as well as an objective look at your skills and other features that need to be considered. Let’s go through all of these aspects together and help you reach your career answer.

NOTE:  If you are enjoying this content- you might also like this article that contains a completely different career test. This article discusses the benefits of taking a professional quiz.  – Profession Quiz

Get to know yourself

This might sound like an easy step but it actually isn’t. Many of us are too busy with our daily tasks to take an objective look at ourselves. But this is not a step that can be neglected when you are looking for the best career for you. Start by asking yourself the following questions and try to answer as honestly as possible. Remember that there is no wrong answer when you take the what should I be when I grow up quiz!

What types of activities make you happy?


Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?


Do you prefer spending time outdoors or indoors?


Do you feel comfortable working in a team or alone?


Do you need instant gratification or you are willing to spend the time to get gratification?


Do you know your talents or are you still searching for them?


How well do you react under pressure?


How important is the financial aspect of your life?


Can you adapt easily to new situations or are you a conservative individual?


Write your answers down on and make sure they are the honest ones when it comes to your personality. If you are not sure how to answer one or more of the above questions, you should try to focus on that particular aspect and figure it out before moving on to the next step. The Prolific Living  website offers a lot of questions to help you understand yourself. You will not be able to reach an answer to “what should I do when I grow up” without knowing what you first are in the present.


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Identify your skills by taking the what should I be when I grow up quiz

Your skills and competencies are your best assets when you are asking yourself “what should I do when I grow up”. To determine your most valuable attributes, all you need to do is evaluate your past performances. Maybe you were good at certain subjects during your school years like math or literature. Or maybe you felt really comfortable speaking in front of the class, which would show the fact that you do well with public speaking. And what about leadership? Were you comfortable as the leader of a team? All these questions will help you identify your most powerful skills and use them in your search for a perfect career!


If you find trouble recognizing your skills and being confident in them, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. It just means that you need to analyze yourself a bit more if you didn’t do it in the past. The Muse  gives you some ideas on how you can identify your skills quickly and you can always consider them if you are at a standstill.


What are your professional aspirations?


In order to answer the what should I be when I grow up quiz, you need to know what you are interested in. We all have certain dreams and objectives but have you identified yours already? If not, this is the perfect time to do that! Make a list with all your wants, regardless of how daring they might be. This will give you a perspective on the area of work that you might want to move towards. Then, next to each “want” you can add at least one professional job to make it more concrete. For example, if you want to write you can be a journalist, an author, a blogger, a copywriter, etc. If you want to continue your passion for math, you can work in economics, business, or become an accountant. Apply this algorithm for everything you want to do in your professional life and you will be able to identify a few jobs that you can consider applying for.


When you are writing down your aspirations, you can allow yourself to daydream a little. After all, there is no limit to what you can achieve as long as you set your mind and heart on it so don’t hold back! Aim for the stars so you can reach the Moon and trust that you can do everything you want to do. Many people get lost during this step because they lack confidence in themselves and set up boundaries that are not needed. Your best chance to succeed is to avoid being one of those people and work on being the winner that you are meant to be!

NOTE: Another article you might like. In depth discussion of free aptitude tests and how they can assist you.  Online Aptitude Test Free

Means to reach your objectives


Now that you identified your best qualities and skills as well as established your professional objectives, it is time for some pragmatism. It is not the end all to know yourself well and aware of your capacities, even if these are essential steps when you are determining “what should I do when I grow up”. Maybe the most challenging part is to determine how are you going to reach your professional aspirations. Most careers require a certain type of education that will hone your skills and increase your potential to reach the ideal job.


You might need to follow the courses of a certain university or get certificates that recognize your talents in specific areas. Nowadays there are many options to obtain those diplomas and you can do it both online and offline. Some schools offer scholarships that you can take advantage on as long as you meet their requirements. Others require the payment of a tuition which may vary according to the specialty and institution that you want to follow. If you are not sure how to choose your college in order to fit your career dreams best, Big Future  has a nice guide for people like you. In other words, you will need a plan to implement your path to the perfect career. But don’t be scared, as this is nothing out of the ordinary! At the end of the journey, you will end up having the job of your dreams and the one that suits your personality the best!


As you might brainstorm on how you will attain your specific skills so you can get your dream job, you might find that some of these skills are difficult to attain. Maybe you already have a job and you can’t afford going back to school in order to get qualified for a new one. Or maybe you live in an area that doesn’t offer you all these educational facilities. These problems all have solutions if you apply yourself diligently enough and don’t get discouraged. After all, no one said it’s easy to achieve your dreams but it is definitely not as complicated as it might seem at times. When you know what you want, the job is halfway done!

NOTE: Here is the link to my aptitude test

Take the what should I be when I grow up quiz and chase the job of your dreams


You have done all the steps above and you might think that you are done. Well, almost! Even if you applied yourself in the best way possible and achieved the diplomas and certificates needed to prove to the world how competent you are, you still have to actually prove it and get it done.


Put together a good Resume and even attach a Portfolio to it and start applying for jobs in the career that you have chosen based on your skills and dreams! When it comes to what should I be when I grow up, the answer is in your Resume that you worked so hard to build. Go to job fairs, purchase newspapers that advertise for new positions and don’t forget about the unlimited online world! All these options will be your valuable allies in attaining your dream job! And even if you might have a serious need to earn money, try not to lower your standards too much. If you settle for second best, you will always be on the job search and this is not why you worked so hard to this point!




The simple fact that you are wondering “what should I do when I grow up” proves that you are an ambitious and wise individual. Albert Einstein said that “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that It is stupid”. So, chase your dreams in the best way possible and never give up!






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Need Help Choosing A Specific Lifetime Career You Love?

On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:

Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal

Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill

Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career

Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan




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