Career Finder Quiz- Reasons why I should take a Career Test

Aptitude Test Step 1 – The article below discusses how a “CAREER FINDER QUIZ” can help you choose the specific career you love.

Aptitude Test Free Step 2 – 
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On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:

Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal

Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill

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Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan




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Career Finder Quiz- Reasons why I should take a career test

by career finder quiz a jahtomisin


Important Note: This article was written by a contributor/reader of my website.  Contributor/reader opinions contain valuable insight and certainly worth reading.  With that said, contributor opinions may or may not not represent my own personal opinions. If you are searching for a career you love- enter your email on this page and get my free “6 Proven Steps To Choosing The Lucrative Career You Love In 15 Days” mini course.  Best-Matt

Finding the ideal career path, one that suits my personality, one that makes me fill a need in society, one that gives me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, and pays good salary, can be pretty daunting. A career finder test is, thus, important if I am to choose a career that I love, pays well, and adds value to the world.

I know a lot of people who hop from one job to another because it does not meet their expectations. They do not enjoy what they do and feel their job is not an avenue to positively impact the lives of others. This makes them work in a career out of a sense of obligation rather than true interest. I wouldn’t want to fall in that long line of individuals who do it just for the money. Their career choice will not stand the test of time. You might be in the same situation as me but I found a solution.


What is a Career Finder Quiz?

A career pathfinder quiz helps us define our interests, strengths, and weaknesses.


Reasons why you should take the test:

Deciphering your interests

Have you ever noticed how you seem to never get tired of that which tickles your fancy? How hard you work at it even when the chips are down? That is the power of choosing a career that is in line with your interests. Interests and passions are important in choosing a career.
According to The Atlantic, in the article, The Value of following Passion in a Jobless World, as much as the pay you receive is important, passion is essential because you tend to do your best when you are passionate about what you are doing. It further states that that passion inspires you to keep finding a way forward no matter how hard the economic situation gets.


Taking a career finder quiz that is built with the purpose of helping you discover your interests, will help you get a job that you are less likely to tire of. You get to choose a career that allows you to work effortlessly because you want to feel fulfilled, a career that motivates you to make a positive impact on another person or a group of people and keeps you committed to a course chosen specifically by you.


NOTE: If you are enjoying this content- you might also like this article that contains a completely different career test. This article discusses the step-by-step process in determining what you want to be when you grow up – What Will I Be When I Grow Up Quiz


A career finder quiz helps you define your strengths

Tests that help you define your strengths assist you in discovering your personality and skills. Such tests are specifically designed for this purpose. They can help you merge your passion and your strengths. This is what I mean: you are passionate about cars and helping the elderly and infirm. Their mobility issues trouble you. What do you do? Since your passion will amount to nothing without hard work, it could motivate you to acquire a skill set that would enable you to build automobiles designed to accommodate the old and infirm. It could make life easier for them and less arduous for their caregiver.

If you are working in a career that does not appear to be a fit, check out this article

Choose what you are extremely good at

Steve Martin, in an interview on the Charlie Rose show in 2007, encouraged individuals seeking a career to develop a skill so good that they can’t be ignored. A career path test helps you to single out this specific skill. Get so good at this skill and you can’t be ignored. You won’t even have to search for jobs, jobs will come to you. You offer what people cannot do without and can’t find elsewhere.

This Myers-Briggs assessment test is one of such tests that can help you discover your skill set by helping you find answers to how you take in information, how you make decisions, how you draw conclusions, and how you approach the outside world. If you do not know what you are good at, this will help you.


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Reduces your career options

With a wide variety of career options, you need to sort through this wide array of choices. Doesn’t it get confusing seeing a long list of possible careers? Well, you do not need to worry. This is why a career finder test exists. After finding out what your interests and strengths are, you can easily narrow down the long career list and see the particular jobs that contain both your interests and strengths.

A career finder test will help you become decisive

This is especially applicable to young adults asking the question, “What will I do with my life”? A lot of young people come under a great deal of pressure from friends, relatives, and teachers with differing thoughts on what career you should follow. A career finder quiz helps you in making a career decision on your own and in taking decisive steps towards achieving it. Being well-informed, you don’t get easily dissuaded by what others think you should do. You discover what best suits you and go for it.

NOTE: Another article you might like. In depth discussion test that helps you identify an ideal career based on your aptitude.  Aptitude Test Free


Shows your weaknesses


Now, this isn’t a bad thing. It is the first step towards improvement. Via these tests, you become aware of what you are not good at. If you do not find out what your weaknesses are, you might end up choosing a career that involves these same weaknesses. High pay will be no compensation in working in a career you are not good at.

Helps you consider more job possibilities

There are certain career choices you have never heard about or areas where your skills are applicable that you have never thought of. A career finder test will further educate you about jobs that are a good fit.

Discover a need in Society

Look around you, what do people really need that is currently not available? What do people need that is available but hard to attain? Taking a career finder quiz can help you discover a strength that you can use in solving a real societal problem. It helps create job opportunities for yourself and others

NOTE: Matt’s 5 Part Dream Career Series. Here is my link.  I think you will enjoy it 🙂
What Career Is Right For Me Quiz


Making a Good Salary


Fulfillment and joy comes from doing what we love and what we are good at. Developing a skill that society values and working to solve a real problem. If we do this, a good salary will follow.




We have considered various reasons why taking a career finder type test is essential. In summary, it assists you in becoming self-aware understanding areas needed for self-improvement. You end up choosing the career that is a good fit, one you will not tire of. A career that gives you the ability to assist others while having a good salary so you can support yourself and your family.

Team Technology further discusses how career tests work. You might find this article interesting. 
Keep in mind that the career you eventually choose should be purposeful, exciting, and rewarding. Something that adds value to your fellow man and earns a good salary. Never forget that. I made the right choice. You can too!






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Want To Take A 20 Minute Career Aptitude Test?

Individual matching to over 1000 well paying careers

Understand your interests and personality traits so you can choose a great career

Perform better at work by understanding your personality, communication, and management style.




Need Help Choosing A Specific Lifetime Career You Love?

On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:

Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal

Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill

Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career

Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan




Need Help With Your Job Search?

Step-by-step, fun, no-pressure system

Get hired in a new job or career in 90 days or less

Meet with “Career Mentors” using LinkedIn messaging/email

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Create a great resume and LinkedIn profile




Need New Career Training To Land That Great Job?

50+ online career trainings you can complete in less than 1 year

5 organizations that will provide you free career coaching

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