College Major Quiz – Match To Your Dream Major – No Cost

Aptitude Test Step 1 – The article below discusses how a “COLLEGE MAJOR QUIZ” can help you choose the specific career you love.


Aptitude Test Free Step 2 – FIND THE CAREER YOU LOVE – Start one of our career planning programs. They are 100% free.




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On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:

Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal

Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill

Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career

Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan




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College Major Quiz – My Assessment Test Will Help You Choose A Major And Career You Love

by college major quiz michel e


Important Note: This article was written by a contributor/reader of my website.  Contributor/reader opinions contain valuable insight and certainly worth reading.  With that said, contributor opinions may or may not  represent my own personal opinions. If you are searching for a career you love- enter your email on this page and get my free “6 Proven Steps To Choosing The Lucrative Career You Love In 15 Days” mini course.  Best-Matt

Using our college major assessment test and our college major quiz could help you plan your future career path. Are you thinking about which college major to choose and which career you would love to pursue? The world is your oyster. The sky is your limit and the choice is yours. Whether you want to be a journalist, fashionista, rocket designer, biology scientist, or a Yoga instructor; we are here to help. Maybe you are talented with numbers and want to be an accountant. Maybe you are good at drawing and you dream of being an architect. The world is so diverse and full of opportunities, but how do you choose the right one for you? Is there a way that could accurately predict what jobs are you going to be successful in? College is your personal crossroad. Choosing the right college major could mean either a life of happiness or a life of struggle. Using our online quizzes could prove to be handy for you. Here is what you can learn through Matt Donatelle’s eCourse.


1. Skills.


One way to begin your search for a career is to think about your skills. Skills are grouped into four categories (i) Leadership & Management (ii) Creativity & Communication, (iii) Analysis & Research and (iv) Technical & Information. Knowing your skills and choosing a job which reflects them, could save you a lot of time and stress. For instance, do you enjoy working with your hands, building and fixing things? Alternatively, would you rather spend your day speculating about solving complex scientific questions? Maybe you are talented in singing, acting, dancing, or playing music. We will help you decide.


2. Personality-focus.


Our college major quiz will help you determine whether you are a “promotion-focused” or a “prevention-focused person? A promotion-focused person will focus on a sense of achievement and reward. For example, if you envisage yourself sitting on the top of a skyscraper with your Surname on its door (e.g. Trump tower) then you are definitely, a promotion-focused person. This sense of achievement and euphoria does not come only from gaining money or being rich, you can also get it when you invent your own mathematical theory or discover a new drug. On the other hand, many of us are only looking for a steady 9-5 job with security, avoiding danger and fulfilling our responsibilities. Our quiz will help you decide what is best for you.

NOTE: If you are enjoying this content- you might also like this article that contains a completely different career test. This article discusses the step-by-step process in helping you determine what you should do with your life – What Should I Do With My Life Quiz

3. Personality-type assessment included in the college major quiz.


Our quiz will help you realize job types that match your personality. The BBC website  provides a summary of all major types of personality traits. An ISTJ could work as an inspector, while an ESTJ person is fit to be a supervisor or guardian. ISFJ, on the other hand, is naturally a protector or a nurturer. If you are ESFJ then you could be a caregiver. ISTP persons prefer to work with their hands. ESTPs are especially good in sales. ESFPs are acclaimed performers. In addition, ISFPs are known to be artists and dancers. ENTJs prefer executive jobs, while many scientists are INTJ’s. Another related group is ENTP, which compromises inventors and visionaries. Many INTPs work as architects. ENFJs are mainly teachers, while INFJs are counselors. ENFPs are sports champions. Finally, many distinguished doctors are INFPs.


4. Values.


Our quiz will also help you connect your values and career choices. You may wish to consider factors such as the type of lifestyle you want, your beliefs, and the ethical nature of the company or industry you want to work in. Suppose that, you prefer to spend the longest time possible with your family. However, you have to work 70-hour weeks in your job. This will mean that you will feel stressed and disconnected from your family.


5. Passions.


We will also help you figure out, where does your passion lie. Research published by CNN,  shows that our childhood dream jobs could be a good indication of types of jobs that we will be successful at. Interestingly, LinkedIn surveyed 8000 professionals globally and found that 8.9% work in their childhood dream jobs, and another 21% work in a related career. Joanne Bradford, head of partnerships at Pinterest, once said.” “When I was in the 4th grade [aged 9-10] I learned about lobbyists. I thought it would be an amazing job to try and influence important issues,” says Joanne Bradford, head of partnerships at Pinterest.

Find The Career You Love - Match To 1000 Well Paying Careers - Takes Minutes

6. Loving your job.


One important aspect of choosing the right job is, loving what you are doing. Imagine, in 5-10 years, people ask you this question, “Do you like your job?” How would you answer? Would you complain about how tedious is it? or tell them about how everything is beautifully organized?


7. Constraints.


We will also help you decide your future career and your major based on the constraints that you are facing. Could paying from your own family pocket to do a Ph.D. be a wise decision, if you have a wife and a child? Can you choose to work in another city, if you need to commute for more than two hours? If someone has diabetes, would it be feasible for him or her to train to be a truck driver? Can you be a good artist if you are colorblind? As a rule of thumb, if you have dyslexia, then a math job or a designing job could be better for you. Are you a talkative man/ woman and you love helping people? Then teaching is definitely a good career choice for you. Possible constraints for your chosen career will be highlighted in our college major quiz.


8. Ability to survive.


One important aspect of choosing your dream job is your willingness to go out of your comfort zone. Are you willing to learn new things; would you able to find opportunities by responding to advertisements or through networks and/or cold calling?

NOTE: Another article you might like. It talks about a test that determines the ideal job for your personality.  Personality Test For Jobs

9. Understanding downsides with the college major quiz.


Our quizzes will highlight the fact that every job comes with its own downsides. Being a pilot is a high profile job, but most pilots have their biological clocks altered because of lack of regular sleep patterns. A banker job is a secure 9-5 job; however, a small mistake can mean millions of dollars in loss.


10. Accommodating downsides.


Choosing the right job also means that you enjoy doing the tasks of this job, irrespective of its troubles. For example, if have chosen to be an archeologist, however, you do not like to get her your hands and clothes dirty. This might be a strong signal to concentrate on studying history or anthropology rather than practical archeology.


11. Career goal identification through the college major quiz.


Once you have made a career decision, the next step is to help you plan your career path. The most important action in this procedure is to identify your career goal. The best seller American author, Dr. Orison Swett Marden (1848–1924) wrote inspirational books, which helped millions to achieve success in life. He also founded SUCCESS magazine in 1897. His books, as well as his magazine, focused on promoting positive thinking. In his best seller book, Pushing to the Front (1894), Dr. Orison pointed out that in order to have a successful life, one need to use common-sense principles, as well as positive thinking. Dr. Orison Swett Marden once said, “All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible”. So, what is your career goal? Hint- our eCourse can help you…

NOTE: Our Career Aptitude Test. I think you will enjoy it 🙂

12. Career plan.


One fundamental aspect of having a successful career is constructing a career plan. We will structure your career plan for you in our college major assessment test. This plan will be flexible to accommodate your specific goals – and what you want to place precedence on achieving. Generically it will include the following aspects (i) Personal overview (ii) Education (iii) Employment history (iv) Goals (v) Current skills, knowledge, and experience (vi) Training and development requirements and (vii) Action plan.


13. Choose your major.


Having identified your career goal, we will help you through our college major quiz to walk the first step in your career path by identifying the best matching major for your chosen career. We will cover the four most important aspects items determining your success in your chosen course of study, personality, skills, motivations, and values.


14. Needed qualifications.


We will also identify for you the qualifications (in addition to your major) that are needed for your job. Our college major assessment test will enable you to pinpoint the skill set that you urgently need to acquire. This could be done through additional education, internships, or special courses.


15. Timeline.


We will help you set up a timing and sequence outline. Obviously, you cannot accomplish everything at once. Certain activities logically precede others. Our college major assessment test results will include activities to ensure achieving your goals and adhering to your plan. Our assessment will also identify the time that it will take for these activities. Then it is, your turn to put your 1-10 year career plan into action in order to reach your long- and short-range goals.





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Want To Take A 20 Minute Career Aptitude Test?

Individual matching to over 1000 well paying careers

Understand your interests and personality traits so you can choose a great career

Perform better at work by understanding your personality, communication, and management style.




Need Help Choosing A Specific Lifetime Career You Love?

On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:

Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal

Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill

Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career

Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan




Need Help With Your Job Search?

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Meet with “Career Mentors” using LinkedIn messaging/email

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