What Should I Do With My Life Quiz – I Have An Answer

Aptitude Test Step 1 – The article below discusses how a “WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE QUIZ” can help you choose the specific career you love.

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What Should I Do With My Life Quiz

by what should i do with my life quiz valentine k

Important Note: This article was written by a contributor/reader of my website.  Contributor/reader opinions contain valuable insight and certainly worth reading.  With that said, contributor opinions may or may not represent my own personal opinions. If you are searching for a career you love- enter your email on this page and get my free “6 Proven Steps To Choosing The Lucrative Career You Love In 15 Days” mini course.  Best-Matt

Almost everybody knows that they have a purpose in life, but very few actually know what a life purpose is, or what theirs is. A life purpose, in lay man’s terms, is the reason for your existence. It is the reason you get up in the morning and face the day. Basically, your life purpose is your personal mission in life. Your life purpose will often lie in some specific interest or hobby. It is manifested in the things you choose to talk about, read about, or feel passionate about.


What Should I do?


There are many ways to help you find your purpose. One of the easiest ways is taking a ‘what is my purpose in life quiz’. This is a set of questions analyzing your values, goals, and dreams. The questions revolve around your interests and goals in life. Here are a few reasons why you should take one:


1. It helps you figure out your purpose in life.


This is the most obvious reason for taking a ‘what should I do with my life’ quiz. You will be asked questions regarding varying aspects of your personal and work life, and the answers you will give will provide a pattern that will clarify your life purpose.


2. It shows where your purpose lies.


Some people are more connected to some aspects of life than others. Where you are connected more will probably also be where your purpose lies. For instance, it may be in helping others, or in spirituality, or in self-fulfilling activities such as sports. The quiz will help you determine where your purpose lies.


3. The what should I do with my life quiz helps you focus on your passions and hobbies in life.


Forbes suggests a great way to discover your life purpose; following your hobbies and passions. Following your passion can often give you great satisfaction and does not fade easily. This quiz will help you analyze what you are genuinely passionate about and help you find your life purpose based on it.


NOTE: If you are enjoying this content- you might also like this article that contains a completely different career test. This article discusses how to identify the best job match for your personality – Personality Test For Jobs


4. It exposes things in your life that hinder you from fulfillment.


There may be questions asking you about things you regretted doing, or what you would change if given a second chance. Some people are naturally just repelled by some things (or people) in their life, and removing these will help you step closer to your purpose


5. It helps you define the things you value most in life.


The quiz will ask you about the things you value most in life. These could be specific relationships, spiritual commitments, particular items that you possess or an activity you enjoy being part of. Your answers will most likely have a pattern or something in common that will be in line with your purpose.


6. The what should I do with my life quiz helps you write a good life purpose or personal mission statement.


This is basically a summary of all that you want to achieve and how you plan to achieve it. The quiz will point out your major passions and interests which you will then use to put together a cohesive life purpose statement.


7. It will set connect you with people that have a similar purpose.


The what should I do with my life quiz will not only help you discover your life purpose but will also help you find people with similar interests and motivations. You can draw inspiration from them and seek their advice.

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8. It helps you align your work with your personal life.


Fulfilling your life purpose will be much easier if your career is also in line with it. For instance, if you want to help end poverty, your career should be aimed towards that particular goal.


9. The what should I do with my life quiz helps you build better relationships.


People who know their purpose in life are more likely to building and maintain lasting relationships. The ‘what should I do with my life quiz’ will help you realize your life purpose and clarify how meaningful relationships need to be part of any true purpose


Life Purpose and Career Purpose


It is important to note that career purpose and life purpose are different. A career purpose is basically the goals that one aims to achieve in their work life. On the other hand, a life purpose is all-encompassing and includes your personal life.
The question arises: what should I do for a living that will help achieve both? It is wise to choose a career that aligns well with your life purpose. Here is an interesting article discussing this concept from the Harvard Business Review.

NOTE: Another article you might like. In-depth discussion test that helps you identify the right job for you.  Job Quiz


Life purpose examples of some of the top business leaders and innovators:


1. “Being a leader through the application of personal morals and principles to initiate change.”
This is the life purpose statement of Denise Morrison, the CEO of Campbell Soup Company. As a CEO, she has seen her purpose in instilling moral leadership by being a moral person herself.


2. “To be a thrilling writer who will create an entirely new and different world through writing”
Take, for example, J.K Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. She followed her passion to write which later made her world-famous. Her purpose is cleat; to be a great writer.


3. “To be a teacher and inspiration to others” This is what Oprah Winfrey always wanted; to be a teacher and inspire others to become more than they thought themselves capable of being. Oprah.com  tells how she knew that she would have a better life than her grandmother’s. She knew her purpose since she was a child, and set out to fulfill it.


4. “To have fun in life while bringing out the best in others and learning from mistakes” This was said by Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group. He emphasizes the importance of treating people properly. Generally, he wants to have fun while being a good leader.


5. “To develop self-worth and esteem in women” This particular purpose is captured in Amanda Steinberg’s personal mission statement. She is the founder of DailyWorth, a site that helps women invest and build wealth.


6. “To develop next-generation medical diagnostics that will aid in detection and treatment” This is the purpose of Dr. Sanjeev Saxena of POC medical. He has helped women detect breast cancer in its early stages and treat it, with rates as little as 2$ per diagnosis for women in third world countries.

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7. “To love God and others” This is one of the simplest life purposes anyone ever had. This is what Joel Manby (the CEO of Herschend Family Entertainment) wants to fulfill. He stated in an interview that as much as he wants to achieve this in his personal life, he also wants to be able to attain it as a leader in business.


8. “To make it affordable for everyone who wants to start their own business” This was said by John Rampton of Hostt.com. He runs an online platform for web hosting and has worked with various companies all over the world.


9. “To connect people” Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook as a platform to connect students, but it later became a social site that connected people from all over the world. He became the facilitator that allowed the world to connect and share.


10. “To use life experiences in a humorous way to uplift, motivate and challenge those going through hard times” Tyler Perry has a background filled with pain from violence and abuse. He rose above it all and today uses humor to help those going through similar challenges overcome them and heal. He probes the question; what should I do to benefit other people from what I have personally gone through? His career is now based on his life purpose.


11. “Transparency=success” This is said by Jonathan Kaplan of Build My Bod. He helps doctors transform how they interact with clients.


In conclusion, everyone should figure out their purpose in life. They only have to find where it lies and strive to fulfill it. Every person should ask themselves: what should I do for a living to ensure that I my life purpose is also being fulfilled at work? Most of the examples mentioned above show how famous people have managed to align their work with their life purpose.


Also, remember that you cannot live every moment of your life in alignment with your purpose. Sometimes things may not go as well as you planned. You need to stop and reach out to others for motivation and inspiration. This quiz, as mentioned earlier, will also help you connect with people having similar values and purposes. Learn from them and help them grow





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Need Help Choosing A Specific Lifetime Career You Love?

On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:

Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal

Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill

Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career

Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan




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