The link below is the best article I have read clarifying the age old question. Will earning more money make me happier?
The article is a bit dense but should not take you more than 15-20 minutes to read it.
This article can be summed up in one sentence.
“We think the message is clear: if you want a satisfying career, once you’re earning above about $40,000 a year, don’t focus on earning more money”
- $40,000 is based on a single persons yearly earnings in the United States.
- Add to $40,000 if you have a family or live in a large and expensive United States city
This means enough for the essentials- basic housing, inexpensive car, food, basic essentials, and a bit of money left over for entertainment. If you do not reside in the United Sates it may come as a shock that $40,000 USD a year does not provide for a lavish lifestyle. Cost of living in the United States is high compared to most countries in the world
The author says that your career goal should be satisfying these 6 items below rather than increasing your earnings.
Here are the key ingredients of a dream job:
- Work that helps others
- Engaging work that lets you enter a state of flow
- Supportive colleagues
- A job that meets your basic needs, like fair pay and reasonable hours
- A job that fits your personal life
*Most importantly, focus on getting good at something that helps others”
I am in basic agreement with the author concerning these 6 items.
At the end of the day how much money you wish to earn is a personal choice. You will choose to develop an “Important Skill”. You will become an “Expert” at this “Important Skill”. This means you are in demand and can typically command a large salary. A salary significantly higher than $40,000 a year.
Household Budget
It is important for you to understand your lifestyle given “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love” career earnings. Below will take you through the process of determining your budget
Link To Household Budget Spreadsheet
- Click on the above link. A pop up may appear when clicking link. If so, just continue on to budget spreadsheet
- Fill out your current and/or anticipated budget. Doing both would be a good exercise
- See above. This O*NET webpage allows you do an “occupation search” for any career. You will notice that once you open up the “Summary Report” for a specific career there will be a tab listed “wages and employment”. (Note- You should have already done this exercise for all your careers contained in your “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”)
- Tax Calculator – Go to this link and enter the “wages” from your chosen career. This will supply estimated tax liability for USA residents
- You can add or subtract expense rows
- You can calculate based on monthly or yearly budget
- You can download this spreadsheet to your desktop
- After you download spreadsheet to desktop click OK. This will expand the spreadsheet and make it full size.
Did you learn something new about the relationship between career, money, and happiness?
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Did your thought process change concerning donating a portion of your yearly salary*?
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*This is the “Earning To Give Concept” we discussed in a previous module labeled “$3000 USD IS PROVEN TO SAVE THE LIFE OF 1 CHILD”
ACTION ITEM: After better understanding the relationship between money and happiness go to link labeled “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”. If a new CAREER, BIG GOAL, SMALL GOAL seems like a fit after absorbing content of this unit- add it to your “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”. If a CAREER, BIG GOAL, SMALL GOAL no longer seems like a fit after completing unit- remove it from your “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”. Put some real thought into this… I purposely designed this eCourse to take 15-20 days. You can go to the next unit after successfully completing this unit and a certain amount of time has passed. Every day you will complete from 1-3 units and will spend 30-180 minutes. If next unit not available, wait 24 hours and it will be available. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO FILL OUT UNIT FEEDBACK FORM
Go To: “Master List Of Careers & Goals You Love”
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